There are many members at Coolhurst that are very musical across an assortment of genres including a number of professional musicians. That is very interesting to me being a musician of sorts myself, progressive rock and psychedelia being my genre. I am surprised how many musicians play tennis to a good standard and I have played tennis with many of them over the years.


Here I am with the guitarist from Iron Maiden, Adrian Smith, who is my regular doubles partner when I play at the David Lloyd Club in Bushey. The corona virus is a terrible universal pandemic, but music is a universal language that can be an antidote that offers a soothing release from the pressures it has brought upon us. Play, listen and dance to music, I do every day.

I mention playing tennis with Adrian at David Lloyd Club for a reason. There is a substantial difference between a commercial club run for profit like David Lloyd and a members club run by the members, for the the members, like Coolhurst. The main difference is the members, of course; for me, David Lloyd is no more than the use of tennis courts and the other facilities on offer, whereas I view Coolhurst as my tennis club, a club that I am part of and belong to, a community. The difference between the clubs has been highlighted for me with the lock-down closure of both clubs, David Lloyd members view it as a closed facility, whereas Coolhurst members view it as having an important impact on their community and have rallied round to support it; it remains their club even though they can’t use it at the moment.

Meanwhile, your GMC has been zoom meeting on a weekly basis and will continue to do so while the club is closed. Now things have settled down, it will be a chance for us to keep connected and up-to-date with each other, informal meetings that the committee members can choose to participate in or not, a way of communicating while we are closed. Of course, we are ready to deal with any unseen problems that might arise, but I am very pleased to report that everything is going very smoothly at the moment and that has everything to do with the quality of my GMC colleagues and the fantastic support we have received from the members.

Wishing everyone a Happy Easter holiday weekend that includes music in one form or another.


Stephen Nardelli

Coolhurst Club Chairman (in exile)